Kathy Giwa | What Is Career Development, and Why Is It Important

Olubunmi Kathy Ogundokun Giwa
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Career development refers to the ongoing process of managing one’s career trajectory, including setting goals, acquiring skills, seeking opportunities for advancement, and making strategic decisions to achieve professional success and personal fulfillment. It encompasses various activities and initiatives aimed at enhancing an individual’s career prospects, such as education and training, networking, career planning, and seeking mentorship and guidance.

Career development is important for several reasons:

  1. Personal Growth: Career development provides individuals with opportunities to learn and grow, both personally and professionally. It encourages self-reflection, exploration of interests and values, and continuous improvement, leading to greater self-awareness and confidence.
  2. Professional Advancement: Engaging in career development activities can help individuals advance in their careers by acquiring new skills, knowledge, and experiences. It opens doors to promotions, higher-level positions, and increased responsibility, enabling individuals to achieve their professional goals.
  3. Increased Employability: By investing in career development, individuals enhance their attractiveness to employers. They become more marketable candidates with a broader skill set, relevant experience, and a proactive approach to professional growth, making them valuable assets in the job market.
  4. Adaptability: Career development fosters adaptability by preparing individuals to navigate changes and challenges in the workplace effectively. It equips them with the skills and resilience needed to thrive in dynamic and evolving industries, ensuring their continued relevance and success.
  5. Job Satisfaction: Actively engaging in career development can lead to greater job satisfaction and fulfillment. When individuals align their career goals with their interests, values, and strengths, they are more likely to find meaning and enjoyment in their work, resulting in higher levels of job satisfaction and overall well-being.
  6. Long-Term Success: Career development contributes to long-term career success and sustainability by empowering individuals to take ownership of their careers and pursue opportunities aligned with their aspirations. It enables them to adapt to changing circumstances, overcome obstacles, and achieve continued growth and advancement throughout their professional lives.
  7. Lifelong Learning: Career development encourages a mindset of lifelong learning and growth. In today’s rapidly changing job market, continuous learning and skill development are essential for staying competitive and seizing new opportunities. Career development fosters a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, ensuring individuals remain relevant and adaptable throughout their careers.

Overall, career development is essential for individuals looking to achieve their full potential, advance in their careers, and find satisfaction and fulfillment in their work. By investing in their ongoing growth and development, individuals can enhance their employability, adaptability, and long-term success in the ever-evolving world of work.

Originally published at http://olubunmikathyogundokungiwa.wordpress.com on April 8, 2024.



Olubunmi Kathy Ogundokun Giwa

Kathy Ogundokun is an international educator and researcher, with vast experience in teaching.